What is Marma Point Therapy?

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What is Marma Point Therapy?

Marma point therapy is a form of treatment within Ayurvedic Medicine (the system of healing from Ancient India). It involves the stimulation of specific points, “marma points” on the body with varying degrees of pressure. This therapy dates back over 5,000 years and was originally developed for Indian martial arts and other sports such as boxing, archery, and wrestling. It has since evolved as a powerful healing therapy to balance the mind-body types, called "doshas".  in the individual and as a result, relieve symptoms and stimulate vitality.  Marma in Sanskrit means “secret point” or vital energy point.

107 Points on the Body

There are 107 marma points and this is based on five tissue types: muscle, ligaments, bone, joints, and veins. Marmani (plural) are located on the body where the blood vessels intersect, where nerves intersect, where a network of capillaries exist, or on the belly of a muscle. These points are found over the entire body and serve as the gateways to the flow of prana, the vital life force.

Marma Chikitsa can help release endorphins, balance the autonomic nervous system, and stimulate healthy pathways between the brain and the rest of the body. These are just a few of the many therapeutic effects. 

Just about everyone can benefit from this therapy. Mama Point therapy is the most gentle form of bodywork involving little to no pressure.

Marma Pont Therapy at Living Pure

At Living Pure Chiropractic, Dr. Melanie Dias is a trained and certified Ayurvedic specialist and has been providing marma point therapy to several patients.  She administers therapy as a standalone service as well as a treatment integrated with her soft tissue techniques, such as gua sha, cupping, and lymphatic drainage.  Sessions include an Ayurvedic consultation for the initial visit and basic consultation and check-ins before all subsequent treatments. 

Sessions are 40 minutes long and the initial visit is 75 minutes long. When you come in for Marma Point Therapy, you experience full relaxation, and the release of tension in muscles, joints, and sometimes even the subtle tissues, She incorporates body oils and essential oil blends specific to your unique constitution to correct the imbalances. To enhance the effect of therapy, vibration therapy is applied skillfully to certain points.

Why Would You Choose Marma Point Therapy? 

Well, for starters, many of her clients report better sleep, improved mind clarity, improved digestion, and a sense of heightened awareness. 

Individuals with the following conditions or concerns who most benefit from marma point therapy are:

chronic anxiety


scattered thoughts

aging and stress-related disorders


digestive issues

chronic pain and joint stiffness

sleep disorders

pregnancy and post-natal (breast-feeding issues) 


Can You Do Marma Point Therapy on Yourself?

Self-therapy can be very helpful but it is not the same as having a trained practitioner administer care when you are completely relaxed and in receiving mode. However, Dr. Dias embraces and advocates self-care therapy. She has created a coaching program to help individuals take more control of their health and especially to assist those who cannot travel to see her.  Training sessions are given over video calls and you can request an appointment HERE.

Are You Ready to Try a New but Ancient Healing Practice?

We offer several options to help you learn more and get started.

You can find a detailed description of services and prices by visiting our Ayurvedic menu of services HERE.

You can sign up for her Ayurvedic newsletter and health blog and receive her FREE Intro to Marma Point Therapy Self-Care Guide by clicking HERE

Call or text our office at  623.572.4476 to leave a message for Dr. Melanie Dias. If you have any questions please text 480.447.9205 to reach her directly.

Watch her brief YouTube video and self-care demo HERE


Wishing you balanced and healthy days ahead! 

Living Pure




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