“Once you start going to a chiropractor, you will ALWAYS need to keep going.”

Have you heard this before?

That is a loaded statement because there are many different factors involved:

  1. The doctor or therapist’s philosophy and business model.
  2. How long has the patient been suffering from the conditions?
  3. The patient’s past and current lifestyle habits.
  4. Other conditions, illnesses, and diseases (complicating factors)


  1. Did the provider include clear recommendations for the patient to make the treatment last? AND to prevent slipping backward in their progress?

This does not only apply to chiropractic.

I have heard this from patients, friends, and colleagues about acupuncture, physical therapy, energy healing, and other bodywork therapies. But as a chiropractor of over 25 years, I have seen and heard the comments, excuses, and praises!

Let’s Face It:

Most of us cannot make drastic changes to our lifestyles to achieve lasting relief and permanent recovery; the exception being an debilitating injury.

We still have to work.
We still need to take care of the kids.
We still have to clean, do laundry, etc.

There is always going to be stress on the body. So it makes sense to get a tune-up on your nervous system, now and then…. just like you go to a dentist for a check-up.

But how often should you be getting chiropractic adjustments? Or any type of therapy?

This is up to your doctor and how you communicate your issues and needs to him/her. This is based on your doctor’s evaluation. But we also consider your past health history, your past lifestyle, medical conditions, and your current stressors and habits.

At Living Pure, we also take into consideration how ready you are to actively participate in your journey to better health.

Photo – of someone talking to their doctor (no whitecoat please)

It also depends on what you want.

  • Do you want to keep improving your health and function over time?
  • Are you concerned about your ability to live a healthy independent life in 10, 20, or more years?
  • Do you want to take control of your health?
    Which is part of taking control of your own life btw.
  • OR
  • Are you fine with repeatedly going back for another round of treatments every time the same problem (or another one) pops up again?

Here are 3 Strategies to Help You Maintain Your Therapy Longer!

  1. Look at your environment – both home and work. How is your office set up? How about your bathroom, bedroom, and kitchen? Is your furniture layout or settings putting additional stress on your body?
  2. What are you putting into your body? Are you consuming any inflammatory foods? How much sugar is in the foods you are eating? Do you keep a journal or a food diary to track your consumption against your symptoms?
  3. Are you carving out time to do the recommended home exercises and self-care practices?

These three things are dependent on your participation in your health. But, not knowing where to start or what specific things you need to do is the key!

Next Time You Visit Your Chiropractor…

or acupuncturist…

or therapist….

Ask them what you can do for your condition to maximize improvement and continue improving (versus “cycling”).

If you read this far, you’re likely interested in getting progressively better over time!

Our objective is to help patients understand the causes and triggers of their complaints and their ability to heal when given the right tools. Every person deserves a health care advocate who is attentive and addresses all dimensions of lifestyle and stress.

If this resonates with you, it’s time to explore a truly customized integrative approach to care with Living Pure.

Your “Quality of Life” depends on many things.

One of them is your level of function.

Call us at 623 LP CHIRO or

Submit your request here!

Perhaps we can identify some options to help you meet your goals!

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